International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering
Vol.9 No.5
피인용수 : 0건 (자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)
This paper described the application of reverse engineering in product design and development; effectively solved the design and subsequent engineering design, manufacturing link disjoint problems; put forward a kind of using computer software Pro/Designer, Pro/ Engineer and SolidWorks seamless connection method in the process of product design; industrial product modeling design and the engineering and manufacturing of coherence have opened up a new way; the design process will provide effective measures for the product design system, so as to shorten the product design and development cycle and realize the product design system.
1. The content of reverse engineering and scope of application
2. Application of CAD in product design
3. The application of reverse engineering CAD Technology in product design
3.1. The application of Solid Works
3.2. Using the Pro/E parametric design in Engineering
3.3. Surface design ability of Pro/D
3.4. The data transmission between Pro/D and Pro/E and NURBS curve and surface
3.5. The CAD application modeling of complicated 3D design
3.6. The reconstructed surface model
4. The Object Reverse Engineering Model with Modern Design System
5. The Design Scheme of Integrated
6. Conclusion
1. The content of reverse engineering and scope of application
2. Application of CAD in product design
3. The application of reverse engineering CAD Technology in product design
3.1. The application of Solid Works
3.2. Using the Pro/E parametric design in Engineering
3.3. Surface design ability of Pro/D
3.4. The data transmission between Pro/D and Pro/E and NURBS curve and surface
3.5. The CAD application modeling of complicated 3D design
3.6. The reconstructed surface model
4. The Object Reverse Engineering Model with Modern Design System
5. The Design Scheme of Integrated
6. Conclusion
자료제공 : 네이버학술정보