

Research on Improvement of Structure Optimization of Cross-type BOM and Related Traversal Algorithm



Based on an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of single-layer and multi-layer BOM structure, and combine with specific examples of products, a more practical—cross-type BOM structure method is presented. Aiming to solve the system efficiency problems brought by the BOM operation in manufacturing. Regarding the queue as a temporary table, we put forward an improved multi-layer BOM traversal algorithm, makes full use of the basic operation characteristics and setting marks in related fields queue and simplifies the complexity of the algorithm. Compared with the traditional recursive algorithm and hierarchical algorithm, the improved algorithm has the advantages of fast speed, low resource consumption, and high practicability. And the improved algorithm is verified through an example.


 1. Introduction
 2. The BOM Tree Structure of Products
 3. The Optimization of the BOM Structure
  3.1. The Tradition BOM
  3.2. The Optimization of Cross-type BOM Structure
 4. The Optimization of BOM Traversal Algorithm
  4.1. Recursive Algorithm
  4.2. The Algorithm of Hierarchical Traversal
  4.3. The Improvements of Traversal Strategy
 5. Instance Verification
 6. Conclusions


  • XiuLin Sui School of Mechanical and Power Engineering Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin, China
  • Yan Teng School of Mechanical and Power Engineering Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin, China
  • XinLing Zhao School of Mechanical and Power Engineering Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin, China
  • YongQiu Chen School of Mechanical and Power Engineering Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin, China


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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