Computational Grid is a high performance computing environment that participating machines resources are used through software layer as transparent and reliable. Task assignment problem in Grid Computing is a NP-Complete problem that has been studied by several researchers. The most common objective functions of task scheduling problems are Makespan and Flowtime. This paper gives a classification of meta-heuristic scheduling algorithms in distributed computing that are applicable to grid environment and addresses scheduling problem of independent tasks on Computational Grids. A Hybrid Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization and Min-min algorithm (HDPSO) is presented to reduce overall Completion Time of task.
1. Introduction
2. Motivation
3. Related Works
4. Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
5. Grid Job Scheduling based on Hybrid DPSO
6. Initial Swarm
7. Fitness Evaluation
8. Experimental Results
9. Discussion
10. Conclusions and Future Work