

Comparative Study Between PI and Resonant Controllers for PV Grid-Connected Inverter



Control of PV-grid connected inverter introduces a delay between sinusoidal current reference and measured current at the output of the inverter. This leads to a phase difference between the current injected by the inverter and grid voltage when using a simple PI controller. To overcome this problem, PI controllers used to control injected currents to the grid have been substituted, in this study, by resonant controllers. The obtained results show that phase difference between grid current and voltage have been practically suppressed; hence power factor obtained is close to one.


 1. Introduction
 2. Presentation of the System
 3. Control Loops
 4. Simulation Results
  4.1. PI Controller
  4.2. Resonant Controller
 5. Conclusion


  • S. Makhloufi LESSI Laboratory, University of ADRAR, ALGERIA


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보
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  • 5A new control strategy for voltage type PWM rectifiers to realise zero steady-state control error in input current네이버 원문 이동
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