

Detecting Denial of Service Attacks by Analysing Network Traffic in Wireless Networks



In recent wireless communication has become more popular because of its flexibility. That is, there is no need of large and complex physical establishment; one can connect with it easily using radio waves. But on the other part it also increases the chance for the unauthorized users to misuse it as there are fewer burdens in connectivity as compared to wired communications. The unauthorized access is called intrusions. Denial-of-service attacks are simplest but dangerous attacks which send excessive amount of false packets in order to jam and congest the network traffic. A technique is proposed in order to detect those intrusions by analyzing the network traffic pattern against suspicious pattern.


 1. Introduction
 2. Literature Review
  2.1. Types of IDS
  2.2. Packet Sniffer
  2.3. Intrusion
  2.4. Network traffic
  2.5. Signatures
 3. Need for an Intrusion Detection System (IDS)
  3.1. Denial of service (DoS)
  3.2. Threat to confidentiality
  3.3. Modification of contents
  3.4. Masquerade
 4. Proposed Work
  4.1. Network Packet Sniffer
  4.2. Decoding the Packets
  4.3. Categorize the informations
  4.4. Packets Information Matching and Detection Unknown Behaviour
  4.5. Multicasting the Intrusion Related Information to Neighbours
 5. Implementation and Simulation
  5.1. Listening to the Network and Capturing the Packets
  5.2. Decoding the Packets
  5.3. Categorization of Network Traffic
  5.4. Detecting Specific Attacks (Pattern Matching)
  5.5. Sending the Information (multicasting)
 6. Conclusion and Future Works


  • R.Ragupathy Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering Annamalai University, Chidambaram, Tamilnadu, India
  • Rajendra Sharma Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering Annamalai University, Chidambaram, Tamilnadu, India


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