Encrypt message with strongly secure key which is known only by sending and recipient end is a significant aspect to acquire robust security in sensor network. The secure exchange of key between sender and receiver is too much difficult task in resource constraint sensor network. To achieve secure key agreement is challenging task for sensor network environment. The key management helps to maintain confidentiality of secret information from unauthorized users. It can also check the integrity of the exchanged message to verify the authenticity. This paper discusses various constraints available in sensor network, vulnerability through the existence of various security attacks at each layer for the communication and lastly the security requirement using the key management. Here we present the public key management using Elliptic Curve Cryptography to ensure robust security in sensor network environment.
1. Introduction
2. Constraints in Sensor Network
3. Security Vulnerability
3.1. Security Attacks in Sensor Network:
4. Robust Security Requirements
5. Public Key Scheme
5.1. RSA and ECC
5.2. TinyOS public-key implementation:
5.3. Key management using ECC:
6. Conclusion