

An Improved ARP Protocol for Enhanced Lifetime in Wireless AD Hoc Networks



We focus on the problem how to achieve network lifetime extension without causing serious deteriorated on network performance. A cooperative E-ARP protocol for extending network lifetime in wireless AD Hoc networks is proposed in our paper. By means of piggyback, energy information exchanges among neighbors in our scheme, which makes a little modification to traditional ARP protocol. E-ARP protocol can carry energy information of wireless nodes, which decreased the risk of communication resource competition between ARP information and exchanging energy information. It also allows the node with sufficient energy to help multiple nodes at one time, thus the extra communication workload can be decreased. In evaluations chapter, the simulation results show that E-ARP protocol can achieve an almost similar performance on lifetime extension with the known method CTCA but better network performance.


 1. Introduction
 2. Notations and sketch for E-ARP Scheme
  2.1 Description and Hypothesizes for E-ARP Protocol
  2.2. States transfer in E-ARP Protocol
 3. Process and States Transferring in E-ARP
  3.1 States in initialization Stage
  3.2. States in Power Adjustment Stage
 4. Evaluations
 5. Conclusion


  • Qian Zhao School of Computer and Information Engineering, Harbin University of Commerce Harbin, 150028, China, College of computer science and technology, Harbin Engineering University Harbin, 150001, China
  • Wen Hu School of Computer and Information Engineering, Harbin University of Commerce Harbin, 150028, China
  • Guangsheng Feng College of computer science and technology, Harbin Engineering University Harbin, 150001, China


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