

VM Hotspot Eliminating Method Based on Hot Degree Comprehensive Evaluating



Evaluating the hot degree of VM (Virtual Machine) is the critical link of the VM hotspot eliminating process. Based on the traditional research, this paper creates hot degree evaluation system combining VM service availability and service quality factors. It proposals the subjective weight algorithm based on fuzzy analytic hierarchy process and the objective weight algorithm based on maximum deviation, and hot degree comprehensive evaluation method based on these two weights. A rule of VM cold-spot or hotspot evaluation based on hot degree is presented. The experiment result indicates the accuracy of the method in this paper is higher than traditional approaches to evaluate the hot degree, which can efficiently reduce improper migration, with smaller price.


 1. Introduction
 2. VM Hot Degree Comprehensive Evaluation Method
 3. Hot Degree Evaluation Indexes System
  3.1. Service Availability Index
  3.2. Service Quality Index
  3.3. VM Resource Utilization Index
  3.4. Hierarchical Structure of Hot Degree Evaluation System
 4. Hot Degree Comprehensive Evaluation Value Calculation Method
  4.1. Subjective Weight Calculating Method of Every Index based on Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process
  4.2. Objective Weight Calculating Method of Every Index Based on Maximizing Deviations Method
  4.3. The Hot Degree Comprehensive Evaluation Value Calculating Method
 5. Hotspot VM Judging Rule and Immigration Judging Strategy
  5.1. Hot Degree Sorting and Hotspot or Cold-Spot Judging
  5.2. VM Migration Decision Strategy based on Hot Degree Comprehensive Evaluation
 6. The Comparative Experiments and Analysis
 7. Conclusion


  • Yan Yong-ming College of Information Science and Engineering, Northeastern University
  • Guo Jun College of Information Science and Engineering, Northeastern University
  • Mo Yu-yan College of Information Science and Engineering, Northeastern University
  • ZhaNG Bin College of Information Science and Engineering, Northeastern University
  • Han Qing-liang Software Testing Center of Shandong Province


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