

Based on the Part of Routing Information Congestion Modeling Research with the Large-Scale Network



Based on communication network as the background, this paper established a model to capture the cascading failures. The relationship between the local routing congestion information mean dynamics. In this model, according to new congestion function defined by each node (dynamic weight) is put forward based on the local congestion information, routing policy with adjustable parameters. On the BA scale-free network and ER random discusses caused by deliberate attacks on the network of cascading failure behavior. Through numerical simulation main findings, based on the new measure network robustness index (namely, critical production rate, there is a free flow to the phase change of the cascade configuration), the optimal value of existing routing parameters to achieve most robust network and the optimal value related to the network topology.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Works
  2.1. The Routing Strategy based on Global Static Information
  2.2. The Routing Strategy based on Local Static Information
 3. System Model Description
  3.1. Based on Local Routing Congestion Information Flow Mechanics
  3.2 cascading failure process
 4. Simulation Results and Analysis
 5. Conclusion


  • An Shuzhao Qingdao Hotel Management College, Qingdao Hotel Management College
  • Wang Zhaohui Qingdao Hotel Management College, Qingdao Hotel Management College


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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