Image retrieval is an emerging research area for multimedia database. It is the basic requirement task in the present scenario. In this paper we propose a novel CBIR approach using Fuzzy clustering. The proposed method firstly clusters the images based on RGB components, using Fuzzy clustering algorithm, secondly the image retrieval is performed based on texture element in the clustered database. The performance of the system is evaluated on the most common evaluation method namely Precision and Recall method. The proposed method achieves higher efficiency than the texture based retrieval techniques.
1. Introduction
2. Image Color Content Representation
3. Fuzzy Clustering
4. Image Texture Content Representation
4.1. Energy
4.2. Entropy
4.3. Contrast:
5. Methodology of the Proposed Work
5.1. Database of Images
5.2. Algorithm of Proposed Work
6. Performance Evaluation
7. Conclusion
1. Introduction
2. Image Color Content Representation
3. Fuzzy Clustering
4. Image Texture Content Representation
4.1. Energy
4.2. Entropy
4.3. Contrast:
5. Methodology of the Proposed Work
5.1. Database of Images
5.2. Algorithm of Proposed Work
6. Performance Evaluation
7. Conclusion
자료제공 : 네이버학술정보
- 1Content-based image retrieval using color and texture fused features네이버 원문 이동
- 2(Reference title not available)
- 3(Reference title not available)
- 4Textural Features Corresponding to Visual Perception네이버 원문 이동
- 5(Reference title not available)
- 6Regular-texture image retrieval based on texture-primitive extraction네이버 원문 이동
- 7Database architecture for content-based image retrieval네이버 원문 이동
- 8Color indexing네이버 원문 이동
- 9(Reference title not available)
- 10(Reference title not available)