

Design and Implementation of Multiple Volume Servers Block Level Storage System based on Load-Balanced Strategy



Block level storage system has been widely used as it can provide users raw block device. On the basis of Orthrus system, this paper designs and implements a multiple volume servers block level storage system based on load-balanced strategy-Orthrus Plus. This system uses the dynamic load-balanced strategy based on genetic algorithm strategy to load balance the volume servers clusters and proposes an iSCSI pause and resume method to solve the breakpoint retransmission problem during load-balancing. At last, we design a hierarchical management mechanism based on volume life cycle at storage. Experiments show that the load balancing capability in Orthrus Plus is more accurate and efficient under the situation of larger amount of data, and the hierarchical storage strategy also increases the I/O throughout capacity.


 1. Introduction
 2. Architecture of Orthrus Plus
  2.1. Introduction of System Architecture and Module Function
  2.2. Failure Listen-Detect-Switch Process
 3. Dynamic Load Balancing Strategy and ISCSI Pause and Resume Technology
  3.1. Performance Model of Volume Server
  3.2. Load Model of Volume Server
  3.3. The Volume Server Dynamic Load Balancing Strategy
  3.4. An iSCSI Pause and Resume Method
 4. Hierarchical Storage Management Mechanism Based on the Life Cycle of Volume
  4.1. Hierarchical Storage Profile
  4.2. Dynamic Volume Migration System Structure and Volume Migration Strategy
 5. Orthrus Plus System Experimental Evaluation
  5.1. Experimental Environment Description
  5.2. Experimental Comparison Before and After Improving the Dynamic Load Balancing Algorithm
  5.3. Experimental Analysis of ISCSI Pause and Resume
  5.4. Experimental Analysis of Tiered Storage Performance Based on Volume Life Cycle
 6. Conclusions and Future Work


  • Jian Wan School of Computer Science and Technology, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou, China, Key Laboratory of Complex System Modeling and Simulation, Ministry of Education
  • Xun Chen School of Computer Science and Technology, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou, China, Key Laboratory of Complex System Modeling and Simulation, Ministry of Education
  • Xindong You School of Computer Science and Technology, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou, China, Key Laboratory of Complex System Modeling and Simulation, Ministry of Education


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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