

The Evolution of Information Resource Allocation Research based on Knowledge Mapping



Based on the bibliography references included in ISI Web of Knowledge, and by use of visualization network analysis tool——Citespace to conduct co-citation and cluster analysis of collected data, this paper renders knowledge mapping on the development and evolution of information resource allocation research, reveals two different periods of information resource allocation research, and identifies representative scientists as well as relevant literatures in each period. Meanwhile, this paper demonstrates the hot research fields represented by enterprise resource allocation, theory and practice research of information resource allocation, biological information resource allocation, retrieval and sharing research, and computer network communication resource allocation, and further presents the frontiers represented by empirical research of information resource allocation, information retrieval about resource allocation, network communication resource allocation, biological information data mining, biology knowledge management, gene-ontology and semantic web.


 1. Introduction
 2. Methodology
 3. Knowledge Mapping of Development of Information Resource Allocation Research
  3.1. Foundation Period (1935-1989)
  3.2. Developing Period (1935-1989)
 4. Knowledge Mapping of Hotspots and Front Trends of Information Resource Allocation Research
  4.1. Hotspots
  4.2. Front Trends
 5. Conclusions


  • Qiu Junping Research center for Chinese science evaluation, Wuhan University
  • Lou Wen Research center for Chinese science evaluation, Wuhan University


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