

Design and Simulation of a New Sliding Mode Controller for STATCOM Based Wind Farm




Sliding mode controller (SMC) is a highly significant nonlinear controller under condition of certain and partly uncertain dynamic parameters of system. This paper focused on design and implementation of a sliding mode controller for STATCOM. Intend for its application to wind farm connection to the grid. The proposed inverse system sliding mode controller based on nonlinear feedback linearization technology for system decoupling, which enhance the transient stability of wind farms and stabilizes the grid voltage about the given operating point when the fault occurs closer to the wind farms. The simulation results have shown the improved performance of the proposed controller has better control effectiveness and efficiency compared with the conventional controller of inverse system , the proposed controller on wind power system and which assist in improving capability of the wind farms to ride through disturbances, dynamic power flow control of the transmission lines, enhancing power oscillation damping under a sudden fault. Moreover, the proposed control scheme is very simple and easy to implement.


 1. Introduction
 2. System Model and Controller Design
  2.1. System Model
  2.2 Controller Design
 3. Simulation Results and Discussion
 4. Conclusion


  • Xiaojuan Sun School of Electronic Information Engineering, Xi’ an Technological University, Xi’ an, 710021,China
  • Xiaohua Feng School of Electronic Information Engineering, Xi’ an Technological University, Xi’ an, 710021,China


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