

A Study of Authentication and Access Control for Library Research System



Currently, the changes of computer relation technique are very quick. Specially, the cloud computing development is quick dazzlingly in about field. We have interest about Book Search relational subject in the cloud computing using PC and mobile computational device such as Smart-phone, Tablet, and Ultra-thin book. These devices are showing our general computational environment at least. It cans us to search and play various documents and multimedia data on cloud computing environment devices such as book research, English learning, music play, and movie services. Especially, we have many interests about Library Research Service such as book, music and movie services. If we support to efficient service to user then we must solve to user authentication and device authorization problems. But any similar book search services don’t to solve these problems at now. Only they can support to multimedia service or to support user authentication or service authorization service participial. It is very dangerous to cloud computing environment. So we propose to AACLRS that can solve to user and device authentication, service authorization by privilege management schemes. And our proposed system can support various security services such as confidential, integrity, availability and mutual authentication. Additionally, our scheme is very convenience against of existent library search systems.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related works
  2.1. BRS (Book Retrieval Services)
  2.2. Authentication Services
  2.3 Authorization Services
 3. AACLRS (Authentication and Access Control for Library Retrieval System)
  3.1. Architecture of our proposal system
  3.2. Procedures of AACLRS
 4. Evaluations
  4.1. Confidentiality
  4.2. Integrity
  4.3. Special authorization service
 5. Conclusion


  • Jeong-Kyung Moon Division of IT Education, Sunmoon University
  • Jin-Mook, Kim Division of IT Education, Sunmoon University
  • Bong-Hwa Hong Department of Information & Telecommunication, Kyunghee Cyber University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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