

Routing Protocol Using (m,k)-firm Scheduling Scheme to Ease Hole Problems in WSNs




Wireless Sensor networks require a routing protocol that could efficiently use inherent limited energy resource of sensor nodes. All sensor nodes first sense data in many-to-one sensor network, and transmit it directly to the sink through multi-hop transmission. Since this method transmits data through a specific path within network, the nodes in the corresponding path use energy faster than other nodes and the hole problems are generated within the network. Therefore, we suggests a routing protocol to ease routing hole problems that could occur due to intensive energy consumption of a specific path during the transmission of sensed data from a sensor node to neighbor nodes. The proposed routing protocol enhanced energy efficiency of all nodes in a network by inducing data transmission from the source to a sink through different pathways. In the proposed protocol, a next hop was decided based on (m,k)-firm scheduling technique, energy expenditure in each node, and transmission delay among nodes. Performance evaluation through simulations verified improved performance of the proposed protocol compare to conventional routing protocols.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Works
 3. Routing Protocol to Ease Routing Hole Problem
  3.1. The Hole Problem
  3.2. Distance Based Priority (DBP)
  3.3. Modified Load Balancing Routing Protocol (MLBRP)
 4. Evaluation
 5. Conclusion


  • Jaehyun Nam Silla University, Department of Information Technology, Busan, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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