

An Study on Threshold Tuning for Demand Queue Utilizing M/M/1 Model



In the telecom core network, one of the challenges is the unpredictable mass calling events, which suspend the switch operation because of over-loading function, in some worst case, even crash the local network. Overload Control Module, with a set of well-tuned thresholds, is the key point for Media Gateway Controller to survive under unpredictable mass calling events. In this paper, we propose a scheme to efficiently get a set of well- tuned thresholds. We did the experiments and provided the analysis, in order to verify our scheme and make it work well under different platforms.


 1. Introduction
 2. Preliminaries
 3. Proposed Scheme
  3.1 Demand queue based OCM modeling
  3.2 Overloading level classification
  3.3 Threshold tuning method
 4. Experiments and Analysis
 5. Conclusion and Future Research


  • XiaoChun Yin Dept of Ubiquitous IT, Graduate School of Dongseo University, Sasang-Gu, Busan 617-716, Korea WeiFang University of Science & Technology ShouGuang 262700, China
  • ZengGuang Liu IP Platform Dept of MGC, Alcatel-Lucent, QingDao SongLing Road 169, China
  • Hoon Jae Lee Division of Computer and Engineering of Dongseo University, Sasang-Gu, Busan 617-716, Korea


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