

Nursing Competency as Experienced by Hospital Nurses in a Clinical Nursing Unit




The present study used Colaizzi’s descriptive method to understand the nature and meaning of nursing competency in a clinical nursing unit. As a result, the meanings of nursing competency as experienced by hospital nurses were found to be as follows: “nursing qualifications developed through nursing tasks,” “time invested to become a true nurse,” “work performance fulfilled by a satisfactory desire,” “positive results yielded by an effortful process of providing outstanding nursing care,” “qualifications as a nurse realized by educational efforts,” “realizations of positive interactions through learning and process,” “qualifications as a nurse realized by accumulating nursing work experience,” “colleagues that understand each other and provide strength,” and “experience of oneness with the patient during the caring process.” Consequently, it is necessary for nursing managers and hospital organizations to precisely understand the meaning and level of nursing competency for nurses and to provide program support to enhance nurses’ performance.


 1. Introduction
 2. Methods
  2.1. Study Design
  2.2. Sampling and Data Collection
  2.3. Ethical Consideration
  2.4. Data Analysis
 3. Results
  Category 3.1. Nursing Qualifications Developed through Nursing Work
  Category 3.2. Time invested to become a true nurse
  Category 3.3. Work performance fulfilled by satisfactory desires
  Category 3.4. Positive results yielded by a diligent process of providing outstanding care
  Category 3.5. Qualifications as a nurse realized through educational efforts
  Category 3.6. Positive Interactions Realized through the Learning Process
  Category 3.7. Qualifications as a Nurse Realized through the Accumulation of Work Experience
  Category 3.8. Colleagues that understand and give strength to one another
  Category 3.9.: Experiencing oneness with the patient during the caring process
 4. Discussion and Conclusion


  • Hye-Won Kim Konyang University, College of Medicine, Department of nursing, Daejeon, Korea
  • Mi-Ran Kim Konyang University, College of Medicine, Department of nursing, Daejeon, Korea


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