The flagstone is very valuable mineral used in traditional slabs and tiles, flooring, cladding of columns, building exteriors, stair cases, graveyard, pre-fabricated units, kitchen counters and dividers. It is also exported to earn foreign revenue. For sustainable stability of the ecosystem, selection of suitable species is very important. The native species occurring in adjoining natural forests need to be introduced along with N-fixing and fast growing tree species, shrubs as well as fruit bearing species attracting birds and other faunal population. On the sloppy areas seeds of grasses and legumes need to be broadcasted for preventing the soil erosion and to increase the water holding capacity. Since the area is rocky the introduction of ferns and fern allies would be useful to develop the natural ecosystem. On the basis of phyto-scociological studies and keeping the criteria of species selection in view, a number of tree, shrub and herb species were identified for reclamation of five flagstone mines.
1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area
2.2. Phyto-sociological Study
2.3. Physico-chemical Properties of Mine Spoil
2.4. Microbial Analysis of Mine Spoil and Rhizosphere Soil
3. Results and Dscussions
3.1. Characterization of Mining Sites and Dumps
3.2. Physico-chemical Status of Mine Spoils
3.3. Microbial Status of Mine Spoil and Rhizosphere Soil of Different Tree Species
3.4. Phytosociological Status of Vegetation in the Adjoining Mined Out Area
4. Conclusions