Although various factors such as misuse and abuse of vocal cord, occupation, smoking have been reported to be associated with benign vocal fold mucosal disorders, there have been few studies that have taken into consideration all factors of social demographic influences, health-risk behaviors and self- reported voice problems. This study explores potential risk factors of benign vocal fold mucosal disorders for 1,127 adults (468 males and 659 females) over the age of 19 who completed Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey in 2012. Weighted logistic regression model was used for analysis. When compounding factors were adjusted, the association with benign vocal fold mucosal disorders was 6.8 times higher for high school graduates and 6 times higher for university graduates (p<0.05). In addition, the association with benign vocal fold mucosal disorders was 5.8 times higher for those with self-reported voice problems (p=0.001). Thus, it is necessary to monitor those with self-reported voice problems in early stages to prevent benign vocal fold mucosal disorders. These results might be used as basic material for the prevention of benign vocal fold mucosal disorders. Future longitudinal studies are required to better understand the causality between self-reported vocal problems and actual benign vocal fold mucosal disorders.
1. Introduction
2. Methods
2.1. Study Subjects
2.2. Measurement
2.3. Data Analysis
3. Results
3.1. General Characteristics of Population
3.2. Characteristics of Subjects with Benign Vocal Fold Mucosal Disorders
3.3. Factors Related to Benign Vocal Fold Mucosal Disorders
4. Discussion