

A Review on Biometric Recognition



Biometrics introduce to the recognition of human by their characteristics. It is used to identify individuals in groups. Traditional methods of identification involving passwords and PIN numbers, this new technique of identification is preferred over them. Biometric systems are divided on the basis of medium used for authentication. Face Recognition, Iris Recognition, Palm Recognition; Voice Recognition, Fingerprint Recognition, ECG signal based recognition methods are used for identification. Different techniques are used to extract the features for recognition. This paper gives a literature survey on Biometric Identification system so that new researchers do not find the difficulty for obtaining the information.


 1. Introduction
 2. Biometrics
  2.1. Face Recognition
  2.2. Iris Recognition
  2.3. ECG Recognition System
  2.4. Voice Recognition
  2.5. Palm Recognition
 3. Conclusion


  • Gagandeep Kaur Department of ECE, 2Student Member IEEE, Lovely Professional University, India
  • Gurpreet Singh Department of ECE, 2Student Member IEEE, Lovely Professional University, India
  • Vineet Kumar Department of ECE, 2Student Member IEEE, Lovely Professional University, India


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