

The Effects of Sensorimotor Training Applied to Chronic Low Back Pain Patients on Their Pain and Change in Excitability of Cerebral Cortex Neurons



This study aimed to examine the effects of sesorimotor training applied to chronic low back pain patients on their anticipatory postural adjustments (APAs) through changes in movement-related cortical potential (MRCP) and onset time of trunk muscle contraction. Seven patients whose chronic low back pain sustained for at least six months were selected. In order to present the standard for APAs, a normal group (group I) was selected. The experimental group (group II) consisted of the patients. Low back pain patients conducted exercise 40 minutes per time, four times per week, for four weeks. MRCP was examined through electroencephalography (EEG) in order to look at exercise effect. Changes in readiness potential (RP), motor potential (MP), and movement-monitoring potential (MMP) were measured on six areas of CZ, C3, C4, Fz, F3,and F4. Changes in onset time of muscle contraction were examined through electromyography (EMG). Together with changes in motor control in the central nervous system, changes in APAs in the trunk muscles (Transversus abdominis muscle (TrA) and external oblique abdominal muscle (EO)) were measured. VAS was used to examine changes in pain. According to the result of comparing changes in MRCP by sensorimotor training, RP decreased on CZ, C3, C4, FZ, and F3 and MP decreased on CZ, C3, C4, Fz, F3,and F4 among MRCPs (p<0.05). In addition, changes in onset time of movement-related muscle contraction were compared and there were significant differences between the TrA and EO with the anterior deltoid muscle (DA) as the reference (p<0.001). VAS that compared changes in pain were significantly different between TrA and EO (p<0.05). The above results showed that sensorimotor training had chronic low back pain patients learn muscle control ability, thereby triggering muscle plasticity, and provided a new adaptation environment for the cerebral cortex, thereby improving muscle functions as well as pain.


 1. Introduction
 2. Subjects and Methods
  2.1 Subjects
  2.2. Methods
  2.3. Statistical Analysis
 3. Results
 4. Discussion


  • Sea-Hyun Bae Department of Physical Therapy Cheongam University, Suncheon, Korea
  • Jin-Ah Hwang Department of Physical Therapy Dongshin University, Naju, Korea
  • Kyung-Yoon Kim Department of Physical Therapy Dongshin University, Naju, Korea


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