

The Effects of Kinesio-taping Applied to Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness on Changes in Pain



This study aimed to examine changes in pain over time through quantitative sensory testing (QST) when delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) was artificially induced on the non-dominant biceps brachii. Thirty-three healthy males to whom DOMS was induced through eccentric exercise among those who participated in this study were randomly assigned to group 1 (sham taping, n=17) and group II (kinesio taping, n=16). Kinesio taping was applied in the same driving direction as that of muscle fibers. QST was measured at four time points (prior to DOMS induction, 24 hours after DOMS induction, 48 hours after DOMS induction, and 72 hours after DOMS induction) and there were significant differences in cold pain threshold (CPT), warm pain threshold (WPT), and cold sensation threshold (CST) 24 hours after DOMS induction (p<0.05) and 48 hours after DOMS induction (p<0.05) compared to prior to DOMS induction. The threshold values of group II to whom kinesio taping was applied did not significantly differ between prior to DOMS induction and 72 hours after DOMS induction (p>0.05). There were statistically significant differences in CST and WST between the two groups 72 hours or after the intervention (p>0.05). Visual analogue scale (VAS) that represents subjective pain degree according to time of measurement was measured; VAS started to increase 24 hours after DOMS induction and became largest 48 hours after DOMS induction. Pain statistically significantly decreased 72 hours after DOMS induction relative to 24 hours after DOMS induction (p<0.05). The effects of Kinesio taping on decrease in DOMS according to measured time were examined through QST and its usefulness was verified.


 1. Introduction
 2. Subjects and Methods
  2.1 Selection of the Subjects
  2.2 Method to Induce DOMS
  2.3 Application of Taping
  2.4 Evaluation Tool and Methods
  2.5 Statistical Analysis
 3. Results
 4. Discussion


  • Sea-Hyun Bae Department of Physical Therapy Cheongam University, Suncheon, Korea
  • Young-Shin Lee Department of Physical Therapy Dongshin University, Naju, Korea
  • Gi-Do Kim Department of Physical Therapy International University, Jinju, Korea
  • Kyung-Yoon Kim Department of Physical Therapy Dongshin University, Naju, Korea


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