

The Influence of Oral Health Status and Causes of Dental Caries on the OHQoL of University Students



The study was performed between March and June 2013 using students currently enrolled in a comprehensive dental hygiene care course. They were informed of the purpose of the study, underwent an oral cavity examination, and completed the self-administered questionnaire. The study produced the following results. To conclude, the oral health-related quality of life of university students is shown to be related to oral-health satisfaction and agreed with the objective oral health indices. Such results may have a positive influence on middle- and long-term oral care. It is necessary to increase the number of university students who benefit from the promotion of oral-health maintenance and periodic dental-hygiene care programs. Regarding oral-health related quality of life, pain, psychological discomfort, and social defects and impairment areas, students also had a tendency to score high marks. All these variables presented a significant difference between sexes. Concerning the state of oral environments, the causes of caries, and the level of oral-health satisfaction that affects the oral health-related quality of life, oral health satisfaction and intake of sugar-containing foods demonstrated a significant influence


 1. Introduction
 2. Subjects and Method
  2.1. Subjects
  2.2. Methods
  2.3. Statistical Analysis
 3. Results
  3.1. Oral Health Status Depending on Sex and Oral-Health Satisfaction
  3.2. Oral Health-Related Quality of Life Depending on Sex and Oral-Health Satisfaction
  3.3. The Relation between Oral Health-Related Quality of Life and Oral Health Status and Causes of Dental Caries
  3.4. The Relation between Oral Health-Related Quality of Life and Oral Health Status and Causes of Dental Caries
 4. Discussion
 5. Conclusion


  • Hye jin Kim Department of Biomedical Health Science, Dong-Eui University Graduate School
  • Ara Shin Department of Biomedical Health Science, Dong-Eui University Graduate School
  • Jong Hwa Yum Department of Biomedical Health Science, Dong-Eui University Graduate School


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