

Estimating Static Postural for the Stabilizing Reformation on the Bio Parameter Detector Combination System



This study was designed the bio parameter detector combination system of static posture for reformation by the stability. We used a model of bio-sensor combination system on the basis of the static state in the standing posture. To evaluate the condition (Vision, Vestibular, Somatosensory and CNS), we compared the horizontal movement of average derived from the estimated eye open state in the body moving before(α-μBENO) to horizontal movement of average derived from the estimated eye close state in the body moving before(α-μBENC). As the model depends on the bio-sensor combination system of body moving, average values of these variation were computed (0.01Hz~2Hz, range of Fourier frequency). These systems consist of a data acquisition system for capturing and sending data signal, and to gather a data signal processing, and to control a feedback system. There were evaluated their body sway, and identified to maintain the stability.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related works
  2.1. Component of multi-sensor compound parameter
  2.2. Component of physical parameter and postural analysis
 3. System design
  3.1. Preprocessing
  3.2. System of physical signal
 4. System Implementation
  4.1. Database
 5. Performance evaluation
 6. Conclusion and Further studies


  • Jeong-lae Kim Department of Biomedical Engineering Eulji University, Seoul, Korea
  • Myung Jae Lim Department of Medical IT and Marketing, Eulji University, Seongnam, Korea


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