

Identification, Modeling and Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles



This paper presents a method to control height and speed of fixed wing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) using MATLAB platform. The mathematical dynamic model of Six Degrees of Freedom (6-DOF) aircraft is nonlinear and it is linearized about a flight condition. System is divided into two Multi Input Multi Output (MIMO) sub models. First model controls the longitudinal dynamics and second model is used to control the lateral dynamics. Each MIMO model is converted into ten Single Input Single Output (SISO) systems and then the systems needed for the primary requirement of plant control is selected. Same technique can be also be used to make Manned Aerial Vehicles (MAV) autopilots and to control flight of other aerial vehicles. Multiple loop feedback control technique is used to control a plant which helps to control many outputs of system with one set point value and controller.


 1. Introduction
 2. Identification and Modeling of UAV
 3. State Space Model of Longitudinal Parameters
 4. Dynamics of Open Loop Longitudinal Subsystem of UAV
 5. Closed Loop Control of UAV
  5.1. Design of Height Control Feedback Loop:
  5.2. Design of Sideslip and Speed Control Feedback Loops:
 7. Design Results
 8. Results and Conclusion


  • Nilesh Kumar Department of Electronics Engineering YMCA University of Science and Technology (Faridabad) Haryana, India
  • Sheilza Jain Department of Electronics Engineering YMCA University of Science and Technology (Faridabad) Haryana, India


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