The density (ρ) and ultrasonic velocity (U) for ternary mixture of dimethyl acetamide, isobutyl methyl ketone and diethyl ether at different frequencies (2MHZ, 4MHz, 6MHZ, 8MHZ) have been measured at 308K. These data have been used to compute adiabatic compressibility (Ks), intermolecular free length (Lf), acoustic Impedance (Z), molar volume (Vm), molar sound velocity(R), molar compressibility (B), available volume (Va), Lennard Jones potential repulsive term exponent(n), relative association(RA), interaction parameter (χ) and excess values of some of the above parameters for the entire range of mole fraction of DAMC and are interpreted to explain molecular interaction occurring in the liquid mixture.
1. Introduction
2. Theory
3. Experimental Methods
3.1. Materials
3.2. Density Measurement
3.3. Velocity Measurement
4. Results and discussion
5. Conclusion