

In Building Employee Tracking, Real Time Irregularity Detection and Warning (ETAW) System



Since the very beginning of the industrial revolution the work-force (employees) is forced to perform repeated laborious tasks round the clock. To make things worse, most of the tasks are non-intellectual. With the passage of time while the employee is gaining experience and becoming more productive, he is losing human characteristics. And gradually transforming into a circus animal. Being inherently irregular and unpredictable employee (humans) require a system that can not only curb their irregularities but also, reminds them of their expected location via vocal announcements in real time. To meet these requirements, we present an efficient system that tracks the where about of employees in indoor environment. And keeps a compact tempo-spatial track records of each employee. It helps them to avoid irregularities in real time which otherwise may lead to accumulation of a considerable debt at the end of the month. The proposed system is both employee and organization friendly. The employee benefits because he/she is not deprived of human comfort level. And the organization benefits because the efficiency of employee is increase in real time.


 1. Introduction
 2. Description of “ETAW” System
 3. Subsystems of ETAW and Their Features
  3.1 Central Node:
  3.2 Static Node:
  3.3 Mobile Node
 4. Working of the System
  4.1 Internal Data Exchange
  4.2 At This Point the ETAW Splits into Two Independent, Concurrently Functional Modules
 5. Conclusions


  • Salman Afghani R&D Department of Engineering and Sciences, Army Public College of Management and Sciences (APCOMS), Rawalpindi, Pakistan
  • Ayesha Sadique R&D Department of Engineering and Sciences, Army Public College of Management and Sciences (APCOMS), Rawalpindi, Pakistan
  • Muhammad Ishfaq R&D Department of Engineering and Sciences, Army Public College of Management and Sciences (APCOMS), Rawalpindi, Pakistan


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