

Cost-effective Bionic Parallel Robotic Arm that can be Used for Precise Handling in Industry



In this paper we have discussed about a new technique to develop a cost-effective Bionic Parallel robotic arm that can be used for precise handling in industry. The main objective of our new approach in handling technology as an alternative to the portal systems that is predominant in electromechanical engineering. Unlike these designs, with Bionic robot, the drive unit and the handling system are entirely independent of each other. The working and drive levels are spatially separated by the work surface. The system's drive unit is safely located and protected beneath the work surface, while the controllable pyramid of rods is mounted vertically on top of it.


 1. Introduction
 2. Development of Design
  2.1. Function of different parts of the bionic parallel robotic arm
  2.2. Flow Chart
 3. Designing
  3.1. Drive Base Unit
  3.2. Shaft Designing
  3.3. Rod Joints
  3.4. Joystick Design
 4. Fin Gripper Design
 5. Conclusion


  • Muhammad Umer Shahbaz R & D Department of Engineering Sciences Army Public College of Management and Sciences, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
  • Asif Sajjad Khan Anjum R & D Department of Engineering Sciences Army Public College of Management and Sciences, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
  • Rashid Mehmood R & D Department of Engineering Sciences Army Public College of Management and Sciences, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
  • Salman Afghani R & D Department of Engineering Sciences Army Public College of Management and Sciences, Rawalpindi, Pakistan


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