

High Porous Alumina Bodies : Production and Properties via Gel-Casting Technique



Porous ceramic materials have found widespread technological and industrial applications from filtration, absorption, catalysts and catalyst supports to lightweight structural components. In the present work, processing is based on the generation of foam from an aqueous suspension of ceramic powder and the subsequent stabilization of the structure by in-situ polymerization of organic monomers. The process offers a number of advantages from other processes. It is shown here, the in-situ polymerization of organic monomers led to a fast solidification and strong, porous bodies. SEM results showed, that the ceramic foams had highly interconnected network of spherical cells with low densities. The cell size distribution was dependent on the density of the samples as well as the polymerization onset time. Good correlations were found between the green microstructure, rheology of the suspensions and the particle interaction forces.


 1. Introduction
 2. Experimental Procedure
 3. Result and Discussion
  3.1. Rheology behavior study on suspensions
  3.2. The effect of various loadings of alumina powder on rheology behavior
  3.3. The effect of catalyst and initiator at time reaction
  3.4. Pyrolysis and removal of organic matter study
  3.5. Foam preparation
  3.6. The effect of various loadings of solid powder on foam volume
  3.7. Physical and mechanical properties of bodies after sintering
 4. Conclusions


  • L. Sharifi Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research, Yazd Branch, Iran
  • S.Ghanbarnezhad Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research, Yazd Branch, Department of Material Science Engineering, Science and Research branch Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
  • S. Ghofrani Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research, Yazd Branch, Iran
  • S. H. Mirhosseini Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research, Yazd Branch, Iran


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