Reading Education Methodology for Image Texts: Using the Analysis of Semiotics.
This paper discusses the practical need for image-based reading education as well as systematic teaching methods to help students obtain the means to better understand and experience today’s fast-changing social eniriomments. The issue of teaching with image texts raqther tans with literature or language is one that cannot be avoided. Contemporary society has undergone remarkable changes with new media and smart, digital technology quickly replacing the analog text of old media. One key transition worth noting is the conversion from the textual sign to the image sign. Out of these developments and changes of modern society, a profusion of video images on the Internet and in smart technology as well as the newly advancing television has led to both ehe proliferation and widespread use of visual images. Furthermore, the image as a suspended picture has become synonymous with communication, information, and expression. Considering the context, it is important to re-evaluate the efficiency of continuing to use text-based educational methods of the past. The Internet, smart phones, SNS(social network service), podcasts, and other network-based social media are placing image texts in more signification positions in Korea’s cultural environment. Semiotic analysis providess a useful starting point in analyzing text images in this new paradigm of culture communication and its educational applications an effective method of reading Korea’s culture and society.
1. 문화, 그 새로운 패러다임
2. 문화, 이미지의 시대
3. 이미지 읽기 교육방법, 기호학적 개념의 적용
3.1. 기호(sign), 기표(signifier)와 기의(signified)
3.2. 의미작용(signification) 또는 기호작용(semiosis)
3.3. 도상(icon), 지표(index), 상징(symbol)
3.4. 외시(denotation)와 공시(connotation)
3.5. 의소(seme), 의미소(sememe), 동위소(isotopy)
3.6. 계열체(paradigm)와 통합체(syntagm)
3.7. 스토리(story)와 플롯(plot)
4. 제언, 새로운 이미지 읽기 교육 방법
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