

Original Article

Trekking exercise promotes cardiovascular health and fitness benefits in older obese women


Suh-Jung Kang

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Trekking includes downhill walking and enhances lower limb strength. Muscle fitness is a predictor of mortality and is associated with cardio-vascular risk factors in adults. The purpose of this study was to investi-gate the effects of trekking on cardiovascular health and fitness in older obese women. The participants were randomly assigned to an exercise group (EG, n=32) and a control group (CG, n=48). The EG participated in the trekking program for 12 weeks, 3 times per week, and 90 min per session, at a moderate intensity. Cardiovascular health (BMI, percent-age of body fat, blood pressure, glucose, triglycerides, and total choles-terol) and fitness (muscle strength, muscle endurance, balance, and flexibility) were measured before and after the 12-week program. A two-way repeated ANOVA was used to compare and analyze the group dif-ferences. Body weight, systolic blood pressure, and muscle strength were significantly different between the groups. These results indicate that trekking played a significant role in the reduction of weight and sys-tolic blood pressure in obese women. The results of this study can be utilized to reduce cardiovascular risk factors associated with aging.


  Experimental procedures and measuring methods
  Exercise program
  Fitness tests
  Blood analysis
  Body composition
  Blood pressure
  Data analysis
  Cardiovascular health components
  Cardiovascular health components


  • Suh-Jung Kang Department of Sport & Health Science, College of Natural Science, Sangmyung University, Seoul, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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