

국민건강보험법상 보험료부과체계에 관한 법적 고찰 - 지역가입자 생활수준 및 경제활동 참가율 부과기준 중 성과 연령을 중심으로 -


A Study on Unconstitutionality of Insurance Premium Rating System in Accordance with National Health Insurance Act. -Focused on Age and Gender in Premium Rating Standards Activity Rate and Living Standards of the Local Insured -

송기민, 정정일

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



While the local health insurance and the employment-based insurance were integrated in July 2000, the insured is divided into employment-based insured and the local insured and the relevant premium has been applied to both groups. The health insurance premium having the feature of social solidarity has to be determined depending on income, that is, the ability to pay in accordance with the principles of social insurance. While employment-based insurance premium has been determined depending on the earned income, the local insurance premium for the local insured has been determined by scoring gross income(evaluated income), property and possession of automobiles. A variety of improvement approaches has been implemented including introduction of the employment-based insurance premium ceiling system (2002) and the change of property scoring system for the local insured (2006). However, the health insurance system which was merged in 2000 has been implemented up to now without significant change even though there were lots of socio-demographic change including increase of income level and the population structure such as low birth and aging. In other words, it is required to implement the premium rating system securing the income-based equity. Nevertheless, it was inevitable to apply the diverse rating standards in the early stage because it was very difficult to verify the income of the self-employed. Although the income verification rate was significantly increased from 23% in 1989 to 44% in 2010, the irrational standards including property, automobiles, living standard and activity rate have been still applied to the local insured because it is difficult to secure the validity of insurance premium rating system and it severely lacks of security. This paper investigated whether the current insurance premium rating system for the local insured imposing the premium on the basis of ‘gender’ and ‘age’ complies with the basic human rights secured by the current Constitution of the Republic of Korea with respect to the practical and theoretic irrationality of insurance premium rating system and standards for he local insured. In accordance with the analysis results, this paper proposed the approach to improve the system.


I. 서론
 II. 현행 건강보험료 부과체계
  1. 법적근거
  2. 부과체계
  3. 생활수준 및 경제활동 참가율의 부과체계
 III. 이론적 검토
  1. 사회보험료 부과원칙
  2. 조세와 사회보험료
  3. 평등권과 차별금지
  4. 성ㆍ연령 차별성 검토
  5. 헌법상 가족주의 검토
 V. 결론


  • 송기민 Kimin Song. 한양대학교 대학원 보건학과 조교수, 보건학박사.
  • 정정일 Jeong, Jeong-Ile. 경기대학교 법학과 초빙교수, 법학박사.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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