Because NFS (National Forensic Service) analyzes a lot of Forensic DNA samples in Korea, it is very important to work very fast and accurately. In NFS DNA analysis section, We have worked using 8 strip PCR tube and 8 channel multi-pipet for sample treatment, and 96 well type CE electrophoresis injection system, so far. NFS has developed and used NFS-LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System) which contains all the informations about the cases and samples. This time, NFS western district office s DNA analysis section has developed a new Excel software to manage total process in DNA analysis which covers from DNA evidence sampling to CE. This Excel software can make a lot of laboratory documents (sampling sheet, DNA sample list, CE injection List, etc.), keep them as a computer file and print them for laboratory use. This software uses NFS-LIMS information and processes samples in 96 unit which is constituted by 8 strip PCR tube x 12 lanes. We (NFS-western DNA Lab) expect that we can work more conveniently, fast and accurately by this new Excel software.
I. 서론
II. 재료 및 방법
1. 컴퓨터 사양 및 윤영체계
2. 소프트웨어 개발환경
3. CE환경
III. 결론
1. 명령어 화면
2. 국과수 LIMS의 활용
3. 실험일지 작성
4. 채취시트 생성
5. 샘플시트 작성
6. 인젝션 시트의 작성
IV. 고찰
V. 감사의 글
VI. 참고문헌