

Hindu Iconography in Bagan


Myint Myint San

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study focuses on the iconography of Hindu deities in Bagan period. As a country in Southeast Asia, Myanmar received her culture from Indianized culture. As aforesaid, sailors, traders, and settlers brought with them Brahmanism and Buddhism into Myanmar. A possibility is that local chiefs or the rulers invited Brahmans to conduct coronations, weddings, and burials in Brahmanical rites as they will much impressed by the Brahmanical thoughts and beliefs. Accordingly, Brahmanic icons as objects of worship are found quite in number of places, especially in Thaton, Bago, Vesali, Sriksetra, Bagan and Kawgoon. Apart from Buddhist iconography, the Brahmanic icons of various sects can be found in Bagan. Brahmanic deities are illustrated with Buddhist painting, which is a characteristic of Baganreligious iconography. Most of the scenes on Hinduism are to be found in NatlaungKyaung, Nanpaya and Shwesandaw Pagoda. Myanmar people, however, knowingly or unknowingly ignore some features of Indian deitiesand eventually the iconsare found in various places in Bagan.


 I. Introduction
 II. Iconography of Vishnu
 III. Iconography of Shiva
 IV. Iconography of Brahmā
 V. Iconography of other deities
 VI. Conclusion


  • Myint Myint San Assistant Director, Historical Research and National Library Department, Ministry of Culture, Myanmar


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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