

특집 : 공용어시대의 문화간 소통

번역과 국어 : 개념사적 고찰


Translation and National Language : An Inquiry into the Conceptual History


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aims to describe and analyze historical changes in Korean language experienced by the concepts of translation and national language intertwining under the influence of the Japanese ideology of national language during the Japanese colonization. For this purpose we decided to examine the terms as ‘Beonyeok’, ‘Gukeo’ and ‘Gukyeok’ in the corpus constituted by various dictionaries of Korean language from the beginning, newspapers and historical documents of Korea in comparaision with Japanese counterparts. In fact, the concept of translation colored by the nationalism and the existence of a special word for translation in one’s own language are the shared characteristics of the notion of translation in Korea and Japan. During our research, we have arrived to find that the concept of a national language as the common noun, that is to say the language of a country or a nation is absorbed by the Korean word 'Beonyeok' while the concept of our own language or Korean language as a proper noun has been embodied by the Korean word 'Gukyeok' but that the ideology of national language is going to be removed from the translation concept in Korean since the 1990s. This is globalization and multiculturalism affecting nowadays the Korean society which enhanced this change to an opening on the other in the conceptualization of translation.


 1. 서론: 연구동기 및 연구질문
 2. 한국어 번역(飜譯) 개념의 변천
 3. 국어(國語) 개념의 역사
 4. 국역(國譯)의 탄생과 변천
 5. 결론을 대신하여


  • 이영훈 Yi, Yeong-Houn.. 고려대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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