

특집 : 공용어시대의 문화간 소통

아랍어 연설문에 나타난 이슬람 관련 표현 연구


A Study on Islam-related Expressions in Arabic Speeches


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The greater part of the Arabs are Muslims. Muslims’ religion or Islam values the life of this world and religious practice (in contrast to other religions focusing on afterlife), so it is not surprising that Islam has influenced nearly every aspect of Muslims’ daily life. The effects of Islam are particularly remarkable in Muslims’ language use. It has been widely believed that without sufficient knowledge and understanding of Islam-related expressions, one could not effectively participate in daily Arabic conversation, much less translate or interpret for Muslims. It is necessary that any learner of Arabic should familiarize themselves with Islam-related language. Words and expressions about Islam pose great challenges to translators and interpreters. Some Korean-Arabic translators, for example, seem to feel that Islam-related expressions are as big a headache as the complex sentence structures of Arabic. Phrases from the Quran and Hadith (a report of Muhammad’s sayings and deeds) are hard to translate and without a guide, such religious words cannot be fully understood. In particular, Islam-related expressions greatly bother conference interpreters who are constantly under time pressure. In an attempt to address all these challenges, the author identified and categorized Islam-related expressions from Arabic speeches that she used in interpreting classrooms for three years. Her preliminary findings showed that expressions of Quranic or Hadith origin are linked to their context of use and situation. The purpose of this study is two-fold. First, the study aims to create a categorized list of Islam-related expressions frequently used in speeches for the benefits of conference interpreters. Second, the study aims to show how such a list can be used for those seeking to improve their communicative ability in Arabic.


 1. 서론
 2. 이슬람 관련 표현
 3. 연설문에 나타난 코란 구절
 4. 하디스 구절
 5. 이슬람 관련 표현의 통역 전략
 6. 결론


  • 곽순례 Gwag, Soon-Lei. 한국외국어대학교 통번역대학원 한아과 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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