

Session 7 : 정보통신정책, 좌장 : 최 경(강원대학교)

스마트생태계 하의 이동전화 기술표준전략


Korea's Strategies for Mobile standards in Smart Ecosystem

곽정호, 박상수, 김현진

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In Korea, The mobile telecom market has undergone a sea change since Apple created a new mobile ecosystem with Appstore and iPhone. Having recognized the potential of the mobile data service as a new source of profit, Many mobile telecom operators have been trying hard to come up with new technological standards strategies to gain a competitive edge. This paper reviews the current status of the 4G technology and analyzes the service standardization strategies from the viewpoint of technological evolutions. This paper also suggests implications for Korea’s specific circumstances where different mobile telecom technologies complement and compete with one another. Korea’s experiences may serve as important lessons for other countries or operators who try to introduce the 4G and look beyond mobile telecom technologies


 I. 서론
 II.. 스마트폰 도입과 이동전화시장
 III. 이동통신시장의 표준화 진화전략 : 4G 기술표준
 IV. 시사점 및 결론


  • 곽정호 Jeong-Ho Kwak. 정보통신산업연구원
  • 박상수 Sang-Soo Park. 정보통신산업연구원
  • 김현진 Hyun-Jin Kim. 정보통신산업연구원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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