

Session 6 : 제어시스템응용, 좌장 : 강태삼(건국대학교)

Crimp Process Signal Alignment Method Utilizing Absolute Differences Summation to Determine Crimp Quality



In this paper, new alignment method is proposed to align signal from crimping process with reference signal. Alignment has very important role when determining the quality of crimp using crimp force monitor (CFM) because it affects crimp parameters calculation. Due to limited time and memory, some part of the signal curve should be chosen to represent the signal in alignment process. Cross correlation and absolute differences summation are tested with several curve range variations to obtain best alignment. Alignment using the falling or right part of the signal curve utilizing absolute differences summation gives the best performance. The proposed method shows bigger and more optimal error when bad crimp is produced, especially when one wire strands cut wire is used.


 I. Introduction
 II. Alignment Method
  1. Peak Alignment
  2. Cross Correlation
  3. Absolute Differences Summation
 III. Simulation and Result
 IV. Conclusion


  • Steven Aurecianus 건국대학교
  • 강태삼 Tae-Sam Kang. 건국대학교


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