

Session 5 : IT융합기술 Ⅲ, 좌장 : 정태경(중앙대학교)

Intercommunication 기반의 HEMS(Home Energy Management System)의 구현


An Implementation of Intercommunication based Home Energy Management System

사자드, 김범열, 장성진, 한광수

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this paper, we propose the design and implementation of a novel Home Energy Management System (HEMS), which is comprises of 3 major components; 1) Communication Interface (CI), 2) Energy Management Mechanism (EMM), and 3) user interface (UI). Communication Interface provides a robust command & control, information follow and system incorporation. Energy Management Mechanism manages the generation, storage and consumption of electricity based on weather forecast, utility projection, and user demand. User Interface of our system is not limited to single dedicated visual display but widely accessible on smart pad, Personal Computer (PC), smart phone and smart TV


 I. Introduction and Related Work
 II. Description of Implemented System
  1. Monitoring and Controlling Solar Panels
  2. Monitoring & Controlling Energy Storage
  3. Energy Management Mechanism
  4. Locally and Globally monitor and control by user
 III. Conclusion


  • 사자드 Sajjad. LS산전(주)
  • 김범열 Bum-Youl Kim. LS산전(주)
  • 장성진 Sung-Jin Jang. LS산전(주)
  • 한광수 Kwang-Soo Han. LS산전(주)

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