The Protection of Telecommunication Service against Electromagnetic Interference by a Power Line
The national regulation notice by a law has limitation values against electromagnetic interference by a power line. The kinds of induced voltages are very complicate. And the calculation methods are also difficult to handle in a legal notice. So the transition of legal practices is being processed. A standard is more convenient to comprise complicate parameters. To establish standardization, the contents of legal notice is modulized by the type of voltages and inducing plants. The inducing plants are electrified railway line - especially very high speed one - and general commercial power line. The induced voltages are longitudinal one and noise filtered one. The combination of voltages and plants is composed and classified. The plan to make standards step by step now has been errected.
I. 서론
II. 유도전압 법ㆍ제도 현황
III. 유도전압 종별 분석
IV. 표준화 추진 전략
V. 결론
감사의 글