

영어와 한국어 이동 동사의 의미 확장 양상 비교 연구


A Comparative Study of the Motion Verbs go and come in English and kata ‘go’ and ota ‘come’ in Korean

하선정, 김태호

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study offers a corpus-based analysis of the polysemy of the motion verbs go and come in English and kata ‘go’ and ota ‘come’ in Korean. Both motion verbs in English and Korean are intrinsically deictic indicating directionality in their nature. In this study, using corpus-data, we first discuss the prototypical meaning of go/come in English and kata/ota in Korean, focusing on their cross-linguistic differences existing in the use of these motion verbs. Furthermore, we examine the metaphorical meaning extension of the motion verbs, and compare their uses. In this corpus-based analysis of the motion verbs, we point out that the semantic extension of the motion verbs in both languages occur from the spatial domain to the non-spatial domains, and it generally involves time, perspective and change of state. Nevertheless, the metaphorical uses of the motion verbs in English differ from those of Korean. Finally, we point out some limitations in the previous analyses of the semantic extensions of motion verbs, and propose the concept of merge and separation as a new way of analyzing the phenomena


 1. 서론
 2. 이동 동사 ‘go/come’의 원형 의미와 다의성
  2.1. 다의성과 다의어
  2.2. 이동 동사 go와 come의 원형 의미
 3. 이동 동사 go와 come의 확장 의미
  3.1. 시간상의 이동을 기술하는 이동 동사 go와 come
  3.2. 상태 변화를 기술하는 이동 동사 go와 come
  3.3. 서술자의 관점을 기술하는 이동 동사 go와 come
  3.4. 기준점이 모호한 이동을 기술하는 이동 동사 go와 come
 4. 분리와 병합 개념을 통한 이동 동사의 의미 확장 분석
 5. 결론


  • 하선정 Sunjung Ha. 부산대학교
  • 김태호 Taeho Kim. 부산대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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