

‘-도’의 문법범주에 관한 연구 : ‘Vstem-도 못하다/않다/말다’를 중심으로


A Study on Grammar Category of ‘-do(도)’s in Korean


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper aims to categorize the grammar radius of ‘-do(도)’. ‘-do(도)’ is a functional word, and there are three types. ‘-do(도)1’ is related to the negative connective ending of ‘-ji(지)’, which is normally considered as an ending or a particle auxiliary. ‘do(도)2’ is used as a connective ending to a conjunctive sentence. ‘do(도)3’ is used as a supportive connective ending in relation to auxiliary predicates like ‘become(되다), like(좋다), fine(괜찮다), have nothing to do with(상관없다) etc’. Amongst these three, this thesis paper argues that ‘-do(도)1’, which is a negative connective ending related to ‘-ji(지)’, should be categorized as a semantic particle(the original auxiliary particle). This study provides the proof that authenticate the argument. Firstly, when looking at ‘do(도)’ as a unified category, differentiation from word endings becomes ambiguous. Secondly, the singular negative changing process of ‘-do(도)1’ is different from that of ‘-do(도)2’ and ‘-do(도)3’. Thirdly, ‘-do(도)1’ has restrictions when connecting with the honorific prefinal ending ‘-(eu(으))shi(시)-’, and cannot be handled as an ending. Also, this study revealed that, ‘-ji(지)’ can be deleted in phonetic terms due to the fact that the ending‘-ji(지)’ and the semantic particle ‘-do(도)’ shows a high probability of meaning overlapping


 1. 서론
 2. 어간 아래 분포하는 ‘-도’의 유형 분류
  2.1. 범주 분류와 통시성의 문제
  2.2. ‘-도’의 세 가지 유형
 3. ‘-도’의 비어미성
  3.1. 생략 제약에 따른 변별성
  3.2. 부정 제약에 따른 변별성
  3.3. 경어 제약에 따른 변별성
 4. ‘-지’의 삭제 과정과 원인 분석
  4.1. ‘-지’ 삭제의 과정
  4.2. 삭제 원인 분석
 5. 결론


  • 제갈덕주 Deok-Ju Jegal. 경북대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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