

시간에 따른 사건 전개 및 긴장 정도 추이 연구 - KBS 뉴스의 {북한}을 중심으로


The Study of Change on the Progression of an Event and The Degree of Tension Considering Time Series : Focused on the Thematic Word {Bukhan} in the KBS news 9


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to analyze the change on the progression of an event and the degree of tension considering time series. For this purpose, the thematic word {Bukhan} has been analyzed in the KBS News 9, which broadcasted from 2001 through 2013. {Bukhan} has the high frequency of use, but each time the frequency deviation is very wide. For instance, the frequency of {Mikuk} is much higher than {Jungguk}, but the frequency of {Mikuk} is lowered, while the frequency of {Jungguk} increased. The news related to North Korea are mainly covered in the subject of a missile or nuclear test. In the topics covering a missile or nuclear test, the first [EVENT] has occurred after the [ACTION], [TENSION], [RELAXATION] proceeds in the order of events. In terms of the frequency of words, [EVENT] is the highest area, but the degree of tension is correlated with the frequency of words in the [TENSION], especially {Dabal(provocation)}. The result of this study may show that the results of analysis may be utilized to forecast the direction of the incident and the degree of tension


 1. 연구 목적과 방법
 2. 시간에 따른 주제어 {북한}의 추이
 3. 주제어 {북한}의 하위 주제어 추이
  3.1. [군사력]
  3.2. [국가]
  3.3. [대처]
  3.4. [긴장]
  3.5. [이완]
 4. 주제어 {북한}의 사건 전개 및 상관관계
  4.1. 사건 전개 추이
  4.2. 의미 영역의 상관관계
 5. 분석 결과


  • 박건숙 Keon-Sook Park. 상명대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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