

국어의 동일 조음 위치 폐쇄음 연쇄에 대한 실험음성학적 연구


A Phonetic Study on Two Successive Stop Consonants with the Same Place in Korean


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



It has been controversial how two successive stop consonants with the same place characteristics are actually pronounced. This study attempted to reveal whether the surface form of successive stop consonants is identical to that of a single stop consonant through phonetic experiment. For this study, utterance samples from 18 experimental sentences composed of nonsense or real words have been collected. I assessed the closure duration of (C1)C2, the length of V1, and Voice Onset Time(VOT) under the V1(C1)C2V2 environment, and performed paired sample t-test. The result of the experiment using nonsense words shows that shortening of V1 and lengthening of closure duration occur in case of the successive stop consonants. By contrast, in the experiment using real words, no differences were found between the two successive stop consonants and the single stop consonant. This indicates that there is a phonetic difference between the two successive consonants and the single stop consonant. However, the phonetic difference upon intentional pronunciation being aware of orthography does not correspond with the pronunciation during ordinary speaking.


 1. 서론
 2. 연구 방법
  2.1. 실험 단어와 문장
  2.2. 녹음 및 음향 분석
 3. 분석 결과 및 논의
  3.1. 무의미어 실험 결과
  3.2. 유의미어 실험 결과
 4. 결론


  • 김태경 Taekyung Kim. 한양대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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