

영어 사회방언의 한국어 번역 방법 연구


A Study on Translation of English Social Dialects into Korean


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Kim, Young-sook. “A Study on Translation of English Social Dialects into Korean.” Studies in English Language & Literature. 40.3 (2014): 97-116. This study aims to interpret social dialects in English literary works and look for a method of translating them into Korean from the perspective of sociolinguistics. Many Victorian writers intentionally employed social dialects to imply the social and educational background of characters in their novels. For this reason when analyzing their works, it is necessary to identify and understand the dialects in the text. Furthermore, when translating their works, those dialects should be reflected into the target language with care. As translating is the process of decoding signs in the source text and then encoding the decoded signs into the target text, this study firstly identifies specific dialects in the source text and understands their function and meaning. Secondly, the existing translated works are inspected to figure out how those English social dialects were decoded and encoded into Korean. Lastly, this study tries to propose a new translation method utilizing Korean social dialects for the translation of English social dialects and then examines its practicability. (Ulsan University)


 I. 서론
  1.1 연구의 목적
  1.2 연구의 방법
 II. 이론적 배경
  2.1 영어의 사회방언 변수
  2.2 한국어의 사회방언 변수
  2.3 문학작품에서 사회방언의 기능
  2.4 사회방언의 번역
 III. 사회방언의 해석과 번역
  3.1 원문(Great Expectations)의 사회방언 조사
  3.2 사회방언의 해석과 번역
 IV. 결과 토의


  • 김영숙 Kim, Young-sook.. 울산대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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