

연구 논문

九州の観光イメージと親密性に関する研究 -釜山の大学生を対象として-


A Study on the Tourism Destination Image of Kyushu : The Case of Busan City University Students

崔錦珍, 金蘭榮

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Findings from previous research show that there is a correlation between tourist inducement and destination image. This study aimed to investigate how familiarity with Japan and the destination image of Kyushu, shared by Korean college students in Busan, influence tourist inducement. The analysis of results shows that familiarity with Japan and the destination image of Kyushu, shared by Korean college students in Busan, have a little effect on tourist inducement. It also shows that the cognitive image has positive effects on the affective image; and that both cognitive and affective images have positive effects on the overall image of the destination, which supports the previous research findings. In addition, the results of the study suggest that the greater familiarity they have, the stronger their intention to revisit becomes. Furthermore, the study shows that experienced tourists in comparison with novice tourists are highly aware of familiarity, affective images, and overall images and in part highly aware of cognitive images. In conclusion, the findings suggest that familiarity is important in relation to destination image and image formation and management are also important in the field of destination marketing.




 I. 初めに
 II. 理論的考察
  1. 觀光地イメ一ジ
  2. 親密性と觀光地イメ一ジ
  3. 認知的·感情的イメ一ジ·全體的イメ一ジ
 III. 硏究モデル及び方法論
  1. 硏究モデル及び硏究恒說
  2. 調査票の構成及び測定
  3. 調査對象及び分析方法
 IV. 實話分析の結果
  1. 標本の特性
  2. 妥ゾ性と信性の?
  3. 硏究反說の??結果
 V. おわりに


  • 崔錦珍 최금진. 九州国際大学
  • 金蘭榮 김난영. 鮮文大學敎


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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