


강력범 검거를 위한 통합적 시스템 적용 사례에 대한 보고


A report on utilization of comprehensive system application for capturing felonious criminals

조남수, 성기민, 유승연, 이영애

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of case application reports was to test the potential utilities in forensic science (DNA analysis) and criminal investigative analysis (geographical and/or behavioural profiling approach) for capturing felonious criminals. In order to determine whether a series of unsolved crimes has been committed by a certain offender, the police often must rely on analyses of several scientific investigative methods included the reliable evidence gathering as well as the traditional DNA profile searching. While established procedures provide the meaningful conclusion, the practical problems with economic cost for investigation and the use of small-size DNA profile database are that these methods may be unavailable and insufficient for solving criminal cases. So we develop a comprehensive system including the close biological relatives (sibling and patrilineal) for indirect comparison using the autosomal and/or the Y chromosomal STRs for helping the forensic case analysts. Across a range of conditions, the application system demonstrates efficient investigative tool to pursue unknown offenders. Potential explanations for the results are provided, implications are discussed, and future research directions are presented.


 I. 서론
 II. 적용 방법
 III. 결론
 IV. 감사의 글
 V. 참고문헌


  • 조남수 Nam Soo Cho. 국립과학수사연구원 중부분원 법의학과
  • 성기민 Ki Min Seong. 유전자감식센터
  • 유승연 Seong Yeon Yoo. 유전자감식센터
  • 이영애 Young Ae Lee. 유전자감식센터


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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