

스웨덴 노인 재가돌봄서비스의 발전과 변화


The Past and Present of the Swedish Elderly Home Help Service


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The Swedish elderly home-help service was case studied in this paper in order to examine the context, factors, and the characteristics of the recent change in and the current shape of Swedish social services. A rich review was sought of how the Swedish elderly care service has developed under which conditions and background until 1990, then the changes since then were examined under three themes: payment systems; service providers; and the quality assurance systems. The Swede have developed their social services as a universal, inclusive and generous public service, which was strongly influenced by various contextual factors including political-economic (the labour society), political (the Social Democratic party), socio-demographic (the early aging society), socio-political (women’s power) and cultural-historical (a strong trust in government) ones. The reform of elderly home-help services in the 1990s and afterward, that can be characterised as localization and marketization, has largely been led by the aim of cost containment as commonly seen elsewhere, but it can also be said that the contextual factors and the institutional legacy have partly been shaping it.


 I. 머리말
 II. 스웨덴 사회서비스 및 노인 재가돌봄서비스의 전개과정
  1. 스웨덴 사회서비스의 전개과정
  2. 스웨덴 노인 홈헬프 서비스의 특성
 III. 홈헬프 서비스의 주요 현황과 서비스 과정
  1. 주요 현황
  2. 서비스 과정
 IV. 홈헬프 재정지원방식과 그 변화
  1. 홈헬프 서비스 재원
  2. 홈헬프 서비스의 재정지원
 V. 홈헬프 제공기관 구성의 변화
 VI. 홈헬프 품질관리 제도의 변화
  1. 서비스 품질관리
  2. 제공인력 관리
 VII. 맺음말


  • 조남경 Jo, Nam Kyoung. 성공회대학교 사회복지학과 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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