

한국 사회복지서비스의 변화와 과제 -재정지원방식, 공급주체의 성격, 품질관리기제를 중심으로


Changes and Challenges of Social Welfare Services in Korea -Focusing on Public Payment, Provision Agency, and Quality Assurance System


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



To understand fully characteristics and changes of social welfare service policy, it is necessary to examine overall aspects of public payment, provision agency, and quality assurance system. Accordingly, this study examines how the characteristics of these have changed, how these changes have been associated with each other, and what are the policy challenges of social welfare services in Korea, focusing on the adult home care services. In Korea, the characteristics of public payment, provision agency, and quality assurance system seem to be more fragmentary and mixed. As public competence of provision has been weak since early stage in Korea, Korean government has expanded the role of private sector consistently to create new jobs and then have changed ways of financing. Public quality assurance system was also further strengthened to improve users’ choice and manage the social services market. The trend to provide public financing directly to users will more increase. But there must be a break as a result of individualized funding. It should be filled up with social capital to build a community with full participation. The role of public sector as a service provider in Korea has been minimal and the role of private sectors, especially for-profit private providers, continuously expanded. It became thus important to protect worker’s working conditions, to escape overcompetition not to extinct solidarity consciousness, and to keep the role of public sector as a service provider to some extent. Quality assurance system seems to be consolidated. It is then necessary to arrange for minimal common standards, to construct systematic and professional quality assurance systems, and to make an importance on user-centered perspectives.


 I. 서론
 II. 이론적 배경 - 분석의 틀
  1. 사회복지서비스 재정지원방식의 변화
  2. 공급주체의 구성과 성격의 변화
  3. 정부의 품질관리 기제의 변화
 III. 한국 사회복지서비스 변화 분석
  1. 재정지원방식의 변화
  2. 제공주체의 변화
  3. 품질관리기제의 변화
 IV. 주요 쟁점과 정책 과제
  1. 수요자 지원방식으로의 전환에 따른 공동체 활성화 방식의 도입
  2. 치열한 경쟁에 의한 제공기관 황폐화 방지 및 서비스 공급자로서의 공공부문의 역할 확보
  3. 이용자의 권리를 보장하기 위한 방향으로의 품질관리 강화
 V. 결론


  • 이동석 Lee, Dong Suk. 성공회대학교 사회복지연구소 연구원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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