Because of change of labor environment, a dual-income couple plays a role as a parent that takes a responsibility of children’s upbringing. Under this cicumstance, supporting for working parents in order not to stop work due to burden of rearing children, the requirement about work-family reconciliation support that helps work-families live equal family and labor life , not only as confining child- rearing to female but as promoting male's infant care involvement, has increased more and more. This study analyzes policy and present condition of unemployment insurance, especially focusing on work-family balance plan presented at an emplyment insurance that helps workers develop their ability and work actively in labor market. The findings are as follows: Irregular female workers are left the excluded from the benefit because a range of eligiblity condition is narrow, other policies except maternity leave are rarely used, and male workers’s participation rate is too low. This study tries to find improvement plan for employment insurance to be a more effective system that can balance work and family more harmonically.
I. 서론
II. 고용보험에서의 일ㆍ가정양립지원정책
1. 고용보험제도의 개념과 목적
2. 고용보험제도의 주요내용
3. 고용보험의 일ㆍ가정양립지원제도
III. 외국의 일ㆍ가정양립지원정책 및 개선방안
1. 외국의 일ㆍ가정양립지원 정책
2. 일ㆍ가정양립지원 강화를 위한 고용보험제도의 개선방안
IV. 결론 및 제언